Heinrich Walther

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Phone +49 171 5229 478
c/o Musikhochschule/University of Music, Schwarzwaldstrasse 141, D-79104 Freiburg
Heinrich Walther is said to have been one of the most active German concert organist of his generation.
His concert programmes include most importantly central pieces of organ literature, his own transcriptions of sinfonic orchestra pieces as well as piano music by Johann Sebastian Bach (on the piano, harpsichord or clavichord).
In recent years Heinrich Walther has performed in the USA, Mexico, many European countries and Israel as well as Singapore, Korea and Japan.
He performed at the Russian State Philharmonic in Perm, Ekaterinenburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Barnaul, Omsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Chita and Khabarovsk, St. Petersburg, Moskow and in the Ukraine.
Heinrich Walther was invited to play at the International Organ Festival Israel and at the Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra Festival 2017, at Reger Festival in Leipzig in 2016 and as a harpsicordist at the Bach Festival Tübingen in 2018.
His discography is extensive and remarkably versatile.
Since 2002 Heinrich Walther has been an organ teacher at the Church Music College (Evangelische Hochschule für Kirchenmusik) in Heidelberg. In 2018 he became a professor.
Since 1994 he has taught the organ at the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik in Rottenburg. Besides this he teaches the interdisciplinary subject score reading at the University of Music in Freiburg.
He studied at the University of Music in Freiburg (his organ teacher was Z. Szathmary, his piano teachers were J. Klodt and A. Immer), at the Conservatory in Toulouse (here his organ teacher was Xavier Darasse, Premier prix 1984) and then with Robert Anderson and Lary Palmer in Dallas USA. He was a prize winner at the organ competition in San Antonio and Nuremberg (ION 1987).
Phone +49 171 5229 478
c/o Musikhochschule/University of Music, Schwarzwaldstrasse 141, D-79104 Freiburg